The ironic part is the very things that make us need these relationships are the same things that can keep us from making friends. We want to be known, but fear the transparency of having someone know us. We want to give, but we fear our giving might be rejected. We want models, but run the risk of them failing us. We want to encourage, but fear possible rejection. Maybe we are better off not taking the risks involved with having, making and keeping friends!
Let’s look at a few misconceptions about friendships:
1. I have family and my relationship with God. That’s all I need. God did not create us to live in isolation. Balanced friendships with other women can strengthen and bring more vitality back into your family rather than deter from it!
2. I don’t want to be a part of the clique. The clique is a clique because only certain individuals are a part of it. Chances are the majority of women feel the same way you do and don’t want or need the approval of a clique. They see past and beyond the peck order and on to real friendship.
3. I have been hurt by friends and I am not going to let that happen again. Any kind of relationship has risks. Well intentioned friends can hurt each other, break a trust or destroy a confidence. As easily as it may happen to you, you may do it to someone else. Hurt, losses from death and relocation are all hard things to bear, but friendships are worth it. On your journey you will find several people who are worth cultivating friendships and it is these you most remember.
4. I find men/women my age and background boring and negative. Seek friendships with men/women who are where you want to be. Be a leader not a follower. God may have surprise treasures hidden in the friendships of those you least expect. To find treasure you have to dig for it!
5. I have nothing to offer someone. Philippians 2:4 says, “Each of you should not look to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” You have gone through situations that could benefit others. Offer the little you think you have and God will multiply it.
Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch: Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes they lean on you; sometimes it’s just enough to know they are standing by.
Choose your friends wisely. Make sure they have the qualities, attitudes, goals and character that you wish for yourself.
“Iron sharpens iron; so a (wo)man sharpeneth the countenance of her friend.” Proverbs 27:17
Friendships are an amazing blessing in our lives. Friends should encourage, motivate and challenge you to grow beyond your boundaries. I pray you will find such blessing.
Ha! The guy in the picture is smiling cuz he has three cute girl-friends!?
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me think about on line relationships. One great thing about being online is that you can find people with similar interests really quickly. Just go to a forum and there are lots of people there just itching to chat with you.
In real life it is not nearly as easy. It would take years of rambling around aimlessly to find people that i have found very quickly on the internet with similar interests.
I find lots of my friends (online that is) by putting in key search terms on twitter. Then i find they have a blog or something and after some time it is almost like I have met them in person.
But is this really fellowshipping?
My family thinks that online fellowshipping doesn't count. And i partially agree. Being closed up in your room in front of a computer is kind of... well... weird.
Thanks for the thought provoking post friend!