Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I’m Waiting

There was a time in the Bible when the apostles couldn't cast out a mute spirit from a guy's son. When Jesus appeared, the man explained what had been happening to his son since childhood—some pretty horrible things. The man ended with saying to Jesus, "But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."

Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

Jesus didn't rebuke the father for his unbelief; rather, he rebuked the unclean spirit. He helped the father's unbelief.

Ever been in a place in your life where you believe in Jesus with all of your heart? You don't doubt that He can take care of the situation, but...you've been praying a long time and you've suffered loss in the waiting for an answer. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus could speak and there would be healing, everything would be fixed, if only...

As you wait, it's so easy to waver, so easy to wonder why, or where is He? In such times is where faith gets stretched. Lord, help our unbelief!

It's not a matter of not believing in Him, it's just that sometimes a person can be stretched so far past where a person is in their faith that he or she is asking, "Haven't I been stretched enough?" And then there is that moment where faith grows. Unbelief is helped.

I had one of those moments recently in the waiting period, where I prayed, "Lord, help my unbelief during this tough time." The verse that went through my mind was from the Lord's Prayer: "Give us our daily bread." Jesus was teaching the apostles how to pray, "Give us our daily bread."

What is your need for today?

Then I was reminded of Jesus saying, "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

The key to waiting is to take care of today's troubles and trust God with the tomorrows.

What can or should I do today?

One thing I can do today is cast my cares upon Him and bring all my anxious thoughts to Him so that the peace that passes all understanding through Jesus will fill me.

I can praise Him for all the things He does and is going to do.

Another thing—I can follow the example of all the people in the Bible who are walking in faith:

Abraham believed God. I can believe Him.

David had a heart after God. I can have a heart after God.

Joseph never compromised. I can be sure to not compromise.

Joshua didn't fear. I can turn from fear.

Caleb believed God was bigger than the giants. I can believe God is bigger than the giants.

Peter trusted God love for him when he failed. I can trust God's love when I fail.

Paul was content no matter what situation he was in. I can be content no matter what situation I am in.

There are so many things I can do today. The moment I'm in—right now—is the moment I can live for, and do, all that I can, to make the right choices and keep my heart focused on Him.

I'm not saying I don't wake up panicked, I don't get frustrated, or wonder, When?
No, I'm saying these are the things I can practice doing while I wait and trust God during the trial.

I know, though the answer hasn't come yet, the Bible PROMISES all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

I can trust in the promises God makes, because He never lies.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post Emma!

    I was reading a tweet about how faith is evidence today. It struck me.. Faith is evidence.

    Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    Evidence is something produced in a trial before a conviction. We can take the evidence of God’s Word and be convinced.

    Once definition of conviction is “the state of being convinced”. If we have a Word from God then we should be convinced that it is evidence of His promises being true. Furthermore this gives us confidence in it‘s fulfillment.

    Jesus is the Author AND Finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2). He Authors a Word, we stand on the Word given as being evidence of a future result, and He Finishes it.

    Believing is not wavering with the evidence we have been given before the trial.
