In the New Testament satan comes only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) and to take away the Word that was sown (Mark 4:15) to try and steal it before it can take root. When satan lies he speaks his native language for he is the father of lies (John 8:44). He blinds the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the Gospel of Jesus (2 Cor 4:4), and he is the accuser of the brothers day and night (Rev 12:10). Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light and his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. (2 Cor 11:14-15).
Satan prowls around LIKE a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5), but if you stay self controlled, well balanced, and alert submitting yourself to God and standing firm in your faith and by resisting temptations he will flee. Lions always pick the weakest, wounded, or smallest animal in a herd or the one that is lagging behind or wandering alone. When we stay grounded in God’s Word and hooked up with strong believers we are able to understand his attacks and stand against them. If you let him get you offended, angry, walk in un-forgiveness and upset with someone or the church he leads you off alone and begins to devour you.
Satan is a single fallen angel, he is NOT omnipresent and everywhere like God but simply a spirit. He performs all kinds of COUNTERFIET miracles, signs, and wonders to deceive the world (1 Thes 2:9). He was stripped of his beauty and splendor when he was driven from Heaven (Ezek 12:18). He has already lost twice, first when he was driven from Heaven and second when Jesus defeated him on the cross. He will be defeated again in Rev 20 when he is thrown into the Abyss and locked up for 1,000 years and then his final demise when he is thrown into the burning lake of fire for all eternity.
Satan is angry at the human race and is constantly trying to get us to worship him and keep our focus and attention off God by distractions, offence, and busyness. He will try and deceive you and tell you that God is mad and upset because of sin that he just got you to commit. When the truth is God Loves you so much He sent His only Son Jesus to die for you, and even sin cannot separate you from the Love of God. So whenever you believe satan you are believing a lie (his native tongue) and empowering him over God in your life. He will always take a small bit of truth and put it into a lie to twist God’s Word around.
Learn satans tactics, his ways, and his voice! Know that anytime you are NOT walking in Love but in fear, stress, or anger you are listening to satan and NOT God.
Worship God alone and not your job, sports, cars, things or satan. Keep your eyes on Jesus no matter how hard things get, He is the ONLY answer to your problems. Run to Him in times of trouble, not away from His open arms. He said He will NEVER leave us or ever forsake us, and never is as long as eternity!
Absolutely fantastic post!