Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fervency in Prayer

“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

James 5:16

The Apostle James [as he's called in Gal 1:19] DOES NOT tell us ”the prayers” of God’s people avail much…no…he says, the “EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER” of a righteous man avails much!

The words effectual fervent have been translated from one Greek word, energeo [en-erg-eh’-o], and it means to work in effectually; to be mighty in - to have energy and to be energetic! God tells us through James that if His children’s prayers are going to “avail much”, and if the prayers of the people of God will “move the Arm that moves the world”, it will have to be by the “effectual fervent” [energetic] prayers of the people of God!

Please note: We have no power to control God…

-We cannot dictate to Him nor can we command Him…
-We cannot resist Him in the execution of His purposes…
BUT: we may humbly ask Him for what we desire…
AND [it gets even better!] God graciously tells us in James 5:16 that such asking will have much effect for our own good and for the good of our fellow-men!

If there’s anything that can prevail with God, it has to be prayer…humble, fervent, and earnest petitioning!


Where’s the “worked in and worked up” praying that God says will avail so much with Him? Where’s the energy, earnestness, and sincerity that’s boiling so hot in us that we MUST commune with our God? That’s the praying we need to do…that’s the praying we need to have!


How can we go from “prayer” to “the effectual fervent prayer”? Just 4 thoughts briefly…

1. There must be DESPARATION

When was the last time YOU were desparate for:

-The POWER of God?
-The PRESENCE of God?
-The PROMISES of God?
-The PEACE of God?

[Jesus said in Matt 5:48, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Perfect means complete, pure, holy]

When was the last time YOU had a deep-felt, desperate need for these things from God? That would also have been the last time you had effectual fervent prayer.

2. There must be CONVICTION

Many don’t have Holy-Ghost conviction on their lives. Many don’t know the conviction that prevents sleep, produces misery, and points to Calvary!

Where’s the conviction that comes when we pray for souls? It seems that nothing happens when we pray…Why? Well, it might be:

1. We’ve become cold…
2. We’ve become careless or we “care less”…
3. We’ve become corrupted by the world…
4. We’ve become comfortable in the world…

Are we – are YOU – really convinced that souls are going to Hell? When was the last time in praying for a lost soul that God broke your heart and tears ran down your face for that soul?

*CONVICTION will bring us from “prayer” to “effectual fervent prayer”!

3. There must be INTERCESSION

Why don’t we intercede on behalf of others, as we should? Could it be that:

1. We’re satisfied with things we have and of who we are?
2. We really don’t see the need to pray?
3. We really don’t have the heart to pray?

Start interceding for someone else. Start going to God on someone else’s behalf. Philippians 2:4 says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others“. Do you see the great need for it? Do you have the heart for it? To be a true intercessor for others will bring about effectual fervent prayer!

4. There must be COMPASSION

I read of a pastor one time that God used to plant a church in the middle of a tough, inner city. When asked how it was done, he replied, “Wet eyes, bent knees, and a broken heart.”

Jude 22, “And of some have compassion, making a difference”.

When you have compassion, it shows that:

1. You believe in Hell…
2. You believe in the coming judgment…
3. You believe in the brevity of life…
4. You have concern for the souls of men…

And therefore, COMPASSION will bring you from “prayer” to “effectual fervent prayer”!

Are you ready to pray…effectually fervently…will all humility / energy / sincerity?

Are you ready to “work out” with God what God has already “worked in” with you?


1 comment:

  1. Wow Sis,,,WOW!!!! BEAIUTIFUL POST... JESUS soooo SHINES thru You!!! THANK YOU JESUS for my BEAUTIFUL BLESSED Sister.. She sooooo blesses others with her sharing heart for YOU.. PRAISE GOD!!!
    I LOVE YOU sis!!!
    Praying for your ministry...Hugsssss Dena
