Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is SB 1437? Parents Need To Know!

California Senate Votes to Force All California Public Schools to Promote Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Bisexuality Education

“This is just another example of how radical the State Senate has become,”

“SB 1437 seeks to indoctrinate innocent children caught in the tug-of-war between traditional families and the outrageous homosexual agenda.”

SB 1437 requires textbooks to highlight the so- called positive contributions of homosexual and transgender individuals to society and would prevent textbooks, teaching materials, instruction, and “school- sponsored activities” from reflecting adversely upon persons based on their sexual orientation or actual or perceived gender.

“The State Senate is so far out of touch with California families that it is beyond alarming,”

“The traditional family is under attack and this is a latest—and most outrageous—attempt to corrupt the minds of our children.”

SB 1437 not only affects textbooks and instructional materials for kindergarten and grades 1-12, it also affects all school-sponsored activities.

The full effects of SB 1437 are broad and sweeping.

“Under SB 1437 school districts would also likely have to do away with dress codes and would have to accommodate transsexuals on girl-specific or boy- specific sports teams.”

“It is shameful that the California Teacher’s Association is supporting this radical agenda when they should be focused on preparing our students in the fundamentals.”

I am committed to opposing legislation that uses our children as social-experiments and tramples upon long-standing traditional family values

Background on SB 1437

SB 1437 will result in public schools being forced to accommodate transgender children on opposite-sex sports teams and that school textbooks would have to be revised to eliminate references to “mom and dad,” “husband,” “wife,” or other notions of a traditional family unit.

The reason these scenarios are real possibilities is because schools would be prohibited from casting any negative light on “actual or perceived” gender or sexual orientation.
Gender is defined, under California law, to include either the gender the pupil was born as or the gender the pupil perceives him/herself as (i.e., “actual or perceived gender”).

When SB 1437 prohibits discrimination based on gender, this doesn’t simply mean that girls and boys have to be given the same amount of homework. Because of the definition of gender, stated in the bill, public schools will have to accommodate transgender students and treat this behavior as normal and acceptable. Public schools will also have to encourage other students to do the same, regardless of their personal religious convictions or the convictions of their parents.

SB 1437 goes beyond dealing with “violence prevention” and “student safety.” It actively seeks to transform thoughts and attitudes of students to fully embrace transsexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.

What Will Happen if SB 1437 Becomes Law?

What will happen in history class if SB 1437 becomes law? Our children will be told that many historical figures allegedly had sex with persons of the same sex and that this is okay, regardless of what your parents or religious beliefs tell you.

And, what if it’s not conclusively proven that a certain historical figure was a practicing homosexual – will this be inferred? Will our school children be told, based on scanty information, that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was homosexual?

“Not only has U.S. history been watered down and disregarded in our public schools, but now the precious little classroom time that is actually devoted to U.S. history will be spent teaching children that this or that historical figure slept with someone of the same sex and that is okay,”

“It is time for parents and taxpayers across California to stand up and denounce the hijacking of our public schools by extreme political activists.”

“Our children deserve to be educated. The indoctrination needs to stop now!”

"Whos State is next?"


  1. Re: post on California & education re: Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Bisexuality It is written that everyone will turn away from Jesus

  2. This is another good argument for home schooling.
