Tuesday, August 9, 2011

♬♪♩♭♪ Hallelujah

"I absolutely LOVE this version of this song. Bon Jovi does it awesomely."
"Love the Violin"


  1. Wow...you were right that is a great version of which I have never heard. Thanks for sharing it. Following from Twitter. Your blog is very refreshing and real thank you for sharing the heart of God!

    Stop by our new blog and check us out, we are new to the computer all together just trying to build a great community of new friends.

    If you decide to follow us too, for some unknown reason our GFC box does not appear all the time so if you don't see it refresh and look again hopefully it will appear this time.

    Many Abundant Blessings to you,
    Cornelio and Marlene


  2. "I absolutely LOVE this version of this song. Bon Jovi does it awesomely."
    "Love the Violin" Comment copied expresses succinctly my thoughts. Totally UNEXPECTED! Thank you for sharing.
