Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Christian Testimonies: The Stories of Our Lives

Christian testimonies are the stories told by believers about what God has done and is doing in their lives. Today, we often think of the word "testimonial" in which people offer their personal experiences with a product. In this case, the encounter being described is with a person-the person of God in Jesus Christ.

Why do Christian stories and testimony matter? Your experience with God as a believer is exactly that-your experience with God! Surely your life has been enhanced by the advice or true life story of another person. We are unique, but we have the common bond of being created by the same God. Therefore, even if we've stuffed different programs in along the way, we all have basically the same operating system! We are all bodies made by God.

My experience with God happens within my lifetime. It happens only once, to me. God has put me here, in this place and time, in order to tell others about what He has done and is doing in my life. As a Christian, do you really grasp this? Whatever you're going through, whether it's joyful or painful, is allowed into your life by a loving God, whose goal for you is to become like His Son, Jesus Christ.

Because God wants to transform you, He allowed your life to follow the path it did before you became
a believer in order that you would recognize His work at some point along the way. Now, seeing it,
you are responsible to tell others what He has done. That is your Christian testimony! Maybe you've been a Christian for an hour, a day, or for years. What is He doing in your life now? That is your Christian testimony. You are an eyewitness to the works of Jesus Christ in your life.

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