Friday, August 26, 2011


On this day of sorrow, we gather at the foot of the cross to witness God's love for us, personified in His son, Jesus Christ. His brutal crucifixion shows us that He is willing to die the most horrific death ever, to free us all from sin. As our Savior hangs on the cross, we begin to search our hearts for each praise and word of thanks we could ever utter in response to what we are presently viewing. Jesus looks down at us from above with eyes full of love which he imparts so graciously, even while suffering through His final moments.

Drops of blood rain down upon us from His brow as He breathes His last. These droplets of blood start to cleanse our sins even as we stand there in awe of this sorrowful event. Jesus' sacrifice will forever pay, in full, the monumental debt we all owe for our selfish and sinful ways. We drop to our knees in prayer, and praise, to our Savior with hearts full of guilt and shame. We cry out to our Lord and ask for His forgiveness and mercy.

Each of us have our own personal demons we need to cleanse from our lives. As long as we truthfully repent and are willing to turn our hearts and lives over to Him, we will reap the benefits from His many blessings.

The first thing we need to do is believe and trust in Him. We also must love Him just as He showed He loved us, on the cross.

Secondly, we should love one another and follow His Commandments.

If we can achieve those commands, and bring others into the fold as well, we are on that glorious path to righteousness. Living His word will bring us closer to our Savior. Let us not leave this spot of sorrow without first committing ourselves to accomplishing His will for us. If we do depart from here without first making those commitments, then we need to ask, "Was His death in vain?"

I hope we all commit to live for Christ. For if we do, it will turn this day of sorrow into a day of victory, forever. I pray, one day, we all will come to Christ and thus be blessed by His word, through His shed blood at Calvary.

Praise the Lord above, always. AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Romans 4:8
    God has imputed His righteousness to every believer. That means that instead of your sin being on your account, it is His righteousness instead. Not only has He forgiven us. Not only has He covered our sins. But He gives us His righteousness.
    I fail, but God will not impute that to me. If God were to impute sin to me, then when I fail I would be lost again. How much sin would it take to make me lost? Just one-half of one sin.
    I'm not going to heaven because I'm perfect. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. No one is perfect. But we have received Christ as our righteousness. And in His eyes, we are perfect.
    we must stop now and thank God for imputing to you His own righteousness.
    Love Worth Finding Ministries
