Saturday, August 13, 2011


As you enjoy a healthy life, be aware that an illness is only a diagnosis away. When good luck and fortune are yours, don't forget what debt and despair felt like. When we enjoy the blessings God has bestowed upon us, we then realize He only desires the very best for us.

Through the hardships we must endure, we learn of God's love and mercy. God is our teacher. His lessons are lessons of love and obedience. He will only present us with responsibilities, that in His infinite wisdom, He knows we are able to manage. And with His undying love wrapped around us for security, we are able to accomplish them.

Our Lord is aware what is in our best interest. He has already planned our lives to conform to His will. Let us not be dissuaded, in any way, while attempting to fulfill His provision in our lives.

Often the anguish we have suffered, provided the strength and determination we sorely needed. We somehow embraced the conflicts one-by-one. Unwittingly, I might add. The tendency to dismiss the unseemly landscape of our past will indubitably skew our perception as we forge ahead into the future. In turn, we may thus create the unfavorable recurrence of that explosive mind field of emotions we once meandered through.

Those who do not care to, or refuse to learn from the past are surely destined to repeat it. In remembering from whence you came, you receive the assurance of where you are headed. Learning from the past plants you sturdily on the path of an uncertain, but fulfilling future.

Taking a backward glance, you see where you have trod thus far. Continuing onward, the glimpse you recently afforded yourself will enhance your journey even more. You will find yourself well-equipped to manage life's little disturbances as they present themselves. Foregoing this advice carries with it, self-indignation. No one wants to feel that way.

Remember, hardships are hidden blessings. Count them among yours. Know that Almighty God has provided for us the blueprints for an everlasting blessing unequaled on this planet. Our rich rewards are waiting for us at the conclusion of our discipleship here, on earth.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a day late (and a dolla short), but this post is on point! An unexpected respite from work (a hidden blessing for me) is just what the Great Physician ordered. Also, thanks for the link about biblical finances from your(?)church. Again, awesome info, as it is really about the condition of one's heart. Praise God for revelation!
